Thursday, July 9, 2009

my work

Thursday, July 09, 2009 0 Comments
add data to database tru form,1



Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Influenza A (H1N1)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 0 Comments
In the wake on the new Influenza type A(H1N1) virus, you are requested to take note of the following, that has been adapted from the UN publication :-

1. Things you should know about human influenza viruses:

• They spread through infected droplets from breathing passages.

• Droplets are expelled by talking, spitting, coughing, sneezing.

• The droplets spread about 1 meter (3 feet) from the infected person, either directly to other people or indirectly through hands and other surfaces.

• The viruses can live for several hours on hard surfaces, or on cloth and paper.

• If healthy people touch infected hands, doorknobs, keyboards, telephones, etc., they can infect them­selves by touching mouths, noses or eyes.

• Sometimes the viruses can spread through the air.

• An infected person is most likely to spread the virus when he or she has fever and a cough.

• It is possible that an infected person will spread the virus a day before showing signs of illness.

2. How do you know you have influenza ?

A. Seasonal Influenza:

• Fever

• Headache

• Aching muscles

• Exhaustion and feeling weak

• Loss of appetite

• Sore throat

• Runny or stuffy nose

• Dry cough

B. Pandemic Influenza:

While the first symptoms of pandemic influenza might be similar to seasonal flu symptoms, how the symptoms develop will depend on the nature of the specific virus. It is likely that most people will recover without needing medical attention, but the following symptoms may help you decide if you need to seek medical help:

• Shortness of breath while resting or doing very little work

• Persistent fever for 4 or 5 days

• Painful or difficult breathing

• Coughing up a lot of phlegm or bloody sputum

• Wheezing

• You are feeling better and then you develop a new fever or worsening cough with sputum

• You feel very drowsy and others have difficulty waking you up or note you seem confused or disorientated

3. What you should do in the event of 2B above

Should you or should you know of anyone with symptoms as in 2B above, please seek advice or advise them to seek medical attention immediately and follow the advice of the doctors.

4. How do you reduce your risk of contracting Influenza?

A. Personal Hygiene

The practice of good personal hygiene is one of the most effec­tive strategies any individual can implement to reduce their risk of being infected by the influenza virus.

Important points are:

• Cover the nose and mouth with the sleeve when coughing or sneezing (not with the hand, as that contaminates the hand for touching and spreading organisms further);

• Use a tissue for cleaning/blowing the nose, and dispose of it after use;

• Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing, using a tissue, or touching any surface that may have become contaminated by a prior user. If using a surgical mask, dispose of it carefully after use and wash hands;

· Wash hands with soap and water (preferable) or clean with alcohol-based hand cleaner;

· When you wash your hands, wash for at least 20 seconds, making sure that all surfaces of hands and fingers are cleaned.

• Become “touch aware”, and avoid touching surfaces that are likely to have been touched by others (door handles, stair railings, etc)

Monday, June 29, 2009

What Makes a Great Leader?

Monday, June 29, 2009 1 Comments
If you gave 100 people equal opportunities such as training, circumstances and money their outcomes would be completely different. 99 would have varying levels of success; Only 1 of these people would become a great leader.

So what makes a great leader? Every great leader, no matter how successful, at some point was a great follower. It is a natural progression.

Most people think that what makes a great leader is power and influence. While these attributes are necessary and there are so many more, they are simply a result of what made this leader great in the first place: The ability to follow and make decisions.

Great Leaders will take advantage of the opportunities and not squander them away. They follow wise instruction, not balk at it or question it. They make decisions based on Belief: They already know what they want their final outcome to be. Then they stay committed to this outcome, knowing there is always a way to make it happen.

Great leaders follow because they can make powerful decisions without knowing every step of how they are going to get to the final outcome. They are more interested in creating change than waiting for other to remove the obstacles in their lives.

Let's say I wanted to partner with you in business. Up front investment is 2 months salary. In addition, you must pay for training that could take anywhere from 2 months to 3 years, maybe longer. At the end of training, I welcome you to my business with a grand ceremony costing thousands and thousands of dollars. I can't promise you success in your business, you must figure it out on your own. By the way, the commitment to me is 50+ years and if you try to back out, it will cost you half of everything you own.

Sound familiar?

When you get married and say your vows, you are essentially making a 50+year commitment. You really have NO CLUE what the next 50 years are going to bring. If part of getting married was a class where someone could show exactly what the next 50 years will bring and the changes that will occur, my guess is there would be less marriages. We don't stay cute forever.

Life changes things.

Marriage can be a gamble. If you choose the wrong partner, invest your time in the wrong activities and do not take the time and effort needed to sustain the marriage, it will fail. Yet thousands get married every day. They are following belief: tradition and family values, even though the ultimate outcome is unknown.

A decision to go into business is no different. There are many incredible turnkey businesses that are basically a follow the leader game. You make the upfront investment in your future, and then follow a step by step process to build your business. All the systems, training, and products are already in place. The REAL work is already done.

Certainty and Belief drive your behavior. How hard would you work if you knew it would end up in success? Being mentored by a leader that has been there, done that means they already know the ropes, all you have to do is FOLLOW. You benefit from their mistakes. This leverage can catapult you to success.Now, no one can guarantee your personal success, after all it is up to you.

You can be handed the keys to a car, but if you don't learn to drive it will do you no good. Do what great leaders do and follow other great leaders. They already know what it takes to be successful.


In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You, John Maxwell presented the idea that leadership can be described as a set of principles that can be learned and applied. When practices align with these principles, leadership is effective.

The term Level 5 Leader comes from Jim Collins, and was first introduced in an article that he wrote for the Harvard Business Review, entitled "Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve" The idea was expanded and fully explained in his book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kedatangan Rejab - 24th June 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009 0 Comments
Sama samalah kita ingat mengingati amalan amalan mulia yang penuh berkat ini……….

Pada 24 Jun 2009 (Rabu) kita memasuki bulan Rejab. Bulan Rejab adalah bulan Allah swt. Let’s overview ada apa di sebalik bulan Rejab itu.
Diriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda, "Ketahuilah bahwa bln Rejab itu adalah bulan ALLAH swt, maka:”

1. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 1 hari dalam bulan ini dengan ikhlas, maka pasti ia mendapat keredhaan yang besar dari ALLAH swt

2. Dan barang siapa berpuasa pada tanggal 27 Rejab /Isra Mi'raj (Isnin, 20 Julai 2009) akan mendapat pahala seperti 5 tahun berpuasa

3. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 2 hari di bulan Rejab akan mendapat kemuliaan di sisi ALLAH swt

4. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 3 hari yaitu pada tanggal 1, 2, dan 3 Rejab (24, 25, 26 Jun 2009) maka ALLAH swt akan memberikan pahala seperti 900 tahun berpuasa dan menyelamatkannya dari bahaya dunia dan seksa akhirat

5. Barang siapa berpuasa 5 hari dalam bulan ini, insyaallah permintaannya akan dimakbulkan Allah swt..InsyaAllah

6. Barang siapa berpuasa 7 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ditutupkan 7 pintu neraka Jahanam dan barang siapa berpuasa delapan hari maka akan dibukakan 8 pintu syurga

7. Barang siapa berpuasa 15 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ALLAH swt akan mengampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu dan menggantikan kesemua kejahatannya dengan kebaikan, dan barang siapa yang menambah (hari-hari puasa) maka ALLAH swt akan menambahkan pahalanya."

Sabda Rasulullah saw lagi :"Pada malam Mi'raj, saya melihat sebuah sungai yang airnya lebih manis dari madu, lebih sejuk dari air batu dan lebih harum dari minyak wan gi, lalu saya bertanya pada Jibril as "Wahai Jibril untuk siapakah sungai ini?"

Maka berkata Jibrilb as "Ya Muhammad sungai ini adalah untuk orang yang memb ac a selawat untuk engkau dibulan Rejab i ni."

Dalam sebuah riwayat Tsauban bercerita :"Ketika kami berjalan bersama-sama Rasulullah saw ke sebuah kubur, lalu Rasulullah saw berhenti dan beliau menangis dengan amat sedih, kemudian beliau berdoa kepada ALLAH swt. Lalu saya bertanya kepada beliau "Ya Rasulullah, mengapakah engkau menangis?" Lalu beliau bersabda "Wahai Tsauban, mereka itu sedang diseksa dalam kuburnya dan saya berdoa kepada ALLAH swt, lalu ALLAH swt meringankan atas mereka."

Sabda beliau lagi "Wahai Tsauban, kalaulah sekiranya mereka ini mahu berpuasa satu hari dan beribadah satu malam saja di bulan Rejab nescaya mereka tidak akan disiksa di dalam kubur." Tsauban bertanya "Ya Rasulullah, apakah hanya berpuasa satu hari dan beribadah satu malam dalam bulan Rejab sudah dapat mengelakkan dari seksa kubur?"

Sabda beliau "Wahai Tsauban, demi ALLAH Zat yang telah mengutus saya sebagai nabi, tiada seorang muslim lelaki dan perempuan yang berpuasa satu hari dan mengerjakan so lat malam sekali dalam bulan Rejab dengan niat karena ALLAH swt, kecuali ALLAH swt mencatatkan baginya seperti berpuasa satu tahun dan mengerjakan so lat malam satu tahun."

p:s Rebutlah 5 perkara sblm dtg 5 perkara

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Something u must know......

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 0 Comments
When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.

When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it.
When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "

Monday, June 8, 2009


Monday, June 08, 2009 0 Comments
Its been a while i hv not updating my blog..feel really really bad as i ve promise to myself to update my blog whenever it is possible. Do u knw y? Well it is because of my sickness for a few weeks and thank god now im getting better and happier...!!

After i ve been through a very rough, tough day with the unbearable pain, i decide to give a smile to everyone i met so at least i can mk their day. so the same thing goes here, hopefully everybody will smile seeing these anime picture at least can mk ur day look more beautiful and can heal ur broken heart..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I got a fever..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 1 Comments

lot of coughing and also my gums are swollen..what cud b more worse..? im just lying on my bed and do fact that i dn lose my apettizer but to eat foods make my gums soo hurt..tomorow i will go to joke!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Monday, May 11, 2009 1 Comments
Everyday, you say something.

You SMS, chat online, and talk to your friends and family.

What if you got rewarded for your say?

More than 158,595 young Malaysians and I have been active in this community and I thought you would want to check it out.

How does it work?
* Get paid when you take surveys, help businesses and society serve you better.
* Meet like minds and influence others as you discuss your interests, current issues in the group discussions.
* Help young Malaysians with their questions. Or ask one of your own!

It's actually quite addictive and you can earn a bit of money on the side. Till date, members have earned a total of RM 150,205.

You have to see it for yourself!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Friday, May 01, 2009 0 Comments
Gaji tak cukup? Tensyen dengan kerja? Hutang bertimbun2? Baru kena VSS/MSS? Ekonomi Gawat, kilang ofis, company nak kena tutup? Dah bosan kerja? Nak buat side income? Nak meniaga tapi modal besar sgt? Kerja dah 3-4 tahun, tapi gaji masih cukup makan atau asyik miss jer...

Sampai bila kita nak komplen??? Stop komplen!!! Ini satu peluang untuk anda!!! Minat kerja macam saya???EMAIL SY SESIAPA YG SERIOUS NK TMBH INCOME SHJ...!!!) Kepada yang bakal cakap "saya takde masa nak datang la".. "saya just nak tau je".. "datang rumah saya lah".. "boleh percaya ke ni".. dan lain-lain atau seumpamanya.. saya nasihatkan JANGAN LANGSUNG EMAIL SAYA~!! Tengoklah sendiri sikap anda.. langsung takde ciri-ciri ORANG YANG AKAN BERJAYA...!!!!

jgn sesekali memasang impian(dream) sekiranya anda tidak melakukn sesuatu utk mencapainya.. coz " if u still do the same...u will get the same.." i'm happy to help n develop all my positive n open minded mind to generate huge n $$unstop income$$ "ORG BERJAYA TIDAK PERNAH PUTUS ASA...ORG YG BERPUTUS ASA TIDAK PERNAH BERJAYA.." fikirknlah.. im helping n developing new biz partner & friends makes money...

“The best way to live the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams Today, in every little way that you possibly can”.

– Mike Dooley,


Friday, May 01, 2009 0 Comments
What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is derived from two words: "Aroma", meaning scent or fragrance, and "Therapy", meaning treatment. With origins dating back 5,000 years, ancient civilizations in China, Egypt and India have been using flowers, plants and their essences for healing benefits.

Aromatherapy is an art of healing based on nature. A basic principle of aromatherapy is to strengthen the self-healing process by indirect stimulation of the immunity system. The usage intensity of essential oils is extensive, ranging from deep and penetrating therapeutic treatment to the subtlety of a unique and pleasing fragrance.

The Practice of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a way to improve the quality of life on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Essential oils are aromatic, highly concentrated, non-oily essences that are extracted from herbs and plants. Their purposes encompass both the physical aspects such as relaxation of muscles through massage to the emotional aspects of uplifting moods. On a spiritual level, essential oils are beneficial for meditation and general feeling of well-being.

The idea behind aromatherapy is, first, to find scents which are unique for each individual, that evoke positive sensory feelings and emotions, and then introduce these scents into our everyday life to enhance holistic well-being.

Natural scents keep us connected to the earth, sparking pleasant memories and emotions.

Why Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy uses pure essential oils, extracted from many parts of the plant (flower, leaf, resin, bark, twig, seed, berry, ring and rhizome). They are generally classified as citrus, floral, earthy, spicy, resinous or woody.

Aromatherapy is both an art and a science. It is an art because of the intuitive and creative aspects of preparing various blends of essential oils, and a science because it relies on scientific knowledge during extraction processes. Indeed, each method of extraction gives a different product, as each process extracts different constituents from the plant.

Thus, aromatherapy is not about "nice fragrances" but rather it is a complete system of healing which, when properly used, helps to relax, re-establish "homeostasis", or harmony, in the body and to achieve a state of equilibrium whilst promoting and maintaining good health and vitality.

The Therapeutic Effect of Aromatherapy

The therapeutic effect derived from aromatherapy is to enhance and strengthen the internal healing process. This action occurs through an indirect stimulation of an individual’s immunity system.

LAMPE BERGER Essential Oils contain therapeutic properties such as anti-virus, anti-inflammation, pain relief, anti-depression, as well as expectorant qualities. The essential oils can also stimulate, relax, aid digestion or have a diuretic affect.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has origins dating back 5,000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians were the first to practice it by using the method of infusion to extract oils from aromatic plants.

Aromatherapy was also widely used by the Chinese, Romans and Greeks. In the present day, aromatherapy has experienced a revival, seen as an alternative therapy. Though it cannot replace traditional medicine, its holistic properties bring about healing to the mind, body and spirit.

Aromatherapy can boast your spirits. It is known to help depression, frustration, grief, hysteria, anxiety, insomnia and even poor memory. Its medical benefits include alleviating fatigue and respiratory conditions such as cold, flu, sore throat, asthma and bronchitis. More importantly, aromatherapy purifies the air, improving its quality.

Taken from

Monday, April 27, 2009

ESTEBEL Product of Nature

Monday, April 27, 2009 1 Comments
Origins of ESTEBEL Beauty

Provence is an idyllic paradise filled with sunshine and pretty flowers, located in the peaceful and quiet south of France. Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean, the cool climate is ideal for certain aromatic and herbal plants. The province specializes in growing plants used for their essential oils or herbs with medicinal value or flowers popularly used for potpourri.

This French province has been renowned as a holiday destination for royalty, the aristocracy and wealthy socialites. In history, this was the playground of the Tsars of Russia and the Kings of Belgium and England. Now, the charming countryside and romantic coastal village attract international celebrities and the elite. Provence is popular because it encompasses the famous and scenic cities of Cannes, St Tropez, Nice and the famous ‘Promenade des Anglais’.

The Pharmacist ESTEBE

The pharmacist ESTEBE appears in historical records of Provence dating back to 1833. He was knowledgeable in the healing properties of plants. Records revealed that he concocted special formulae for beauty products and brewed herbal remedies. Women who used his prescriptions were much sought after for their beauty and all married well.

Despite the records, there is little evidence of his existence. However, the legendary effects of his prescriptions have spread. Our brand name ESTEBEL is derived from his name ESTEBE with an extra "L" (In French, BEL means beautiful). So saying, ESTEBEL is synonymous with beauty and 1833 marks its origin.

ESTEBEL Range of Products

ESTEBEL line of beauty and personal care products combine ancient natural formula with new technology. ESTEBEL products are also subjected to strict quality control to ensure their superior quality. ESTEBEL enhances your natural beauty with products that are continually improved to keep up with current needs in beauty and personal care.

The stress and pressure of modern living cause damage to fragile skin. Using ESTEBEL natural products restores harmony and balance to the body and stimulates cell renewal in the inner dermis. ESTEBEL products follow a traditional secret formula that moisturizes the skin and restores its natural balance.

ESTEBEL products are professionally prepared from premium quality ingredients,including health-enhancing essential oils and the purest water. Follow our recommended guide on usage and enjoy healthy and beautiful radiant skin.

We do not conduct animal testing for our products.

ESTEBEL Natural Ingredients

Click at image for larger view.
Taken from

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

History of the Master Edouard Pinaud (ED.PINAUD)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009 0 Comments
 A man of passion, Edouard Pinaud is born 200 years ago, at about 200 km north of Paris where he moved to at the age of 15 to start his quest for the absolute perfection. In 1830, as a young outstanding parfumer he opened his first shop in the heart of the aristocratic district of Paris. From then on a noble adventure that would lead the French ED.PINAUD Company to four corners of the earth commenced.

In 1810, M. Besancon established as small shop that was later purchased by M. Legrand. The business was acquired by Edouard Pinaud, and shop was renamed A la Corbeille Fleurie. From 1840, all products were sold under the Ed. Pinaud name, even though there were many changes to the company name.

In 1852, Emilie Meyer became a partner and the business was renamed Pinaud et Meyer, and a second shop, Parfumerie de la Noblesse opened. Business success led to appointment as perfumer to all European courts around 1860.

In 1872, Meyer's son-in-law, Victor Klotz became partner. After participation in the 1873 Vienna Exhibition, Pinaud became a household name. The company participated in many exhibitions during the 19th century and was awarded many prizes. The company was a major exporter, especially to the United States, where many Pinaud bottles can be found.

At the turn of the century, the Ed. Pinaud building was completed in New York. In 1905, the company was renamed Victor klotz et Cie, later H. et G. Klotz Family business until 1931.

This unique brilliant oeuvre has been established on three key of success : a never equalled creativity, an exceptional success with the royal courts, presidents and illustrious people of all countries and the obtaining of the most prestigious prizes during international exhibitions.

During all its existence, ED.PINAUD has managed to combine traditions of the past with requirements of the present to offer the certitude of excellence to its most demanding clientele of all time.

Prominent achievements :
  • In 1841, ED.PINAUD is acknowledged as a "producer of top-quality parfumerie" by the National Court of Commerce.

  • In 1845, ED.PINAUD was granted its first royal patent by being appointed "sole official supplier" of the Queen Victoria of England, thereafter followed by dozens privileges of the like from the greatest.

  • In 1855, the first awarded medal at the Paris World ED.PINAUD would received more than 10 prizes until 1888 including Gold, Silver Medals and Grand Prized in London, Quito or Vienna.

  • In 1897, the opening of the Place Vendome showroom and in 1920, the launching of the 5th Avenue ED.PINAUD building in New York.

Ed Pinaud For Sale!!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009 0 Comments

For those who r interested to buy or order the cologne just drog me a message at Click at the image for larger view

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Im Confused..!!!

Thursday, April 02, 2009 2 Comments

Da lame x update blog ni..too bz with business and J2EE Training..dgn projek JSP,EJB yg xsiap2 lg..Last night bru dpt tido dgn lena skit.itu pun sebb da demam coz 2,3 ari xtido..Asyik focus bisnes je.huhu

Skang ni dpt tension bru plak..Suppose aku start kje ngn Sapura next ari ni interview ngn Mimos, i hv been shortlisted among others..aku mmg xde prob nk kje ngn Mimos..the prob is Mimos kt Kulim,KEDAH!!! N probably cnfirm dpt plak kje nih..masalah nye aku mmg xboleh tolak atas sbb2 tertentu...if tolak nanti nama aku black list..nk tau lebih lanjut tanye aku sndri..huhu

Im s0o confused rite now..!! what shud i do guys..some of my frens said juz go for it..but wat about my bisness here..?!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour

Friday, March 27, 2009 0 Comments

60 Min - Earth Hour

Pada : 28 Mac 2009

Jam 8.30 malam

Kenapa plak nak tutup lampu ?? - Sebab..sudah tiba masanya untuk kita bertindak dan sedar. Tentang pengunaan dan pembaziran tenaga yang berlebihan selama ini. Secara tidak langsung telah memberi kesan terhadap kenaikan suhu dunia. Satu jam ( 60 minit ) tanpa lampu , diharapkan dapat memberi impak. Tentang bagaimana kita menilai sumber tenaga yang sedia ada.

Siapa yang startkan benda nieh weii ?? - Ianya bermula sebagai sebuah kempen di Kotaraya Sydney , pada tahun 2007. Kempen ini mendapat sokongan dan amat berjaya , apabila hampir 2.2 milion rumah dan kedai perniagaan bersama-sama menutup lampu. Setahun kemudian acara ini telah menjadi sebutan di seluruh pelusuk bumi - dengan penyertaan hampir 50 million orang dan merangkumi sejumlah 35 buah negara. Acara ini diraikan , sebagai satu simbol harapan kepada satu perubahan. Cuma tutup lampu lah ?? - Ya , hanya tutup lampu selama 1 jam ( 60 minit ) pada 28 Mac ini , bermula jam 8.30 malam . Itu sahaja tanda sokongan yang perlu lakukan. Dan dalam kegelapan ini , mungkin kita boleh berfikir betapa sumber tengan itu seharusnya diguna dengan baik, dan bukan untuk dibazirkan.

Boleh ke saya buat benda ini ?? - Sudah tentu boleh . Hanya memerlukan hujung jari ,[ Untuk menutup suis lampu ] kita akan mampu mengubah nasib Bumi ini . Mari kita semua beramai-ramai menyahut seruan 60 MINUTES-Earth Hour 2009 .Yang akan berlangsung pada 28 Mac 2009 [ Sabtu ] , bermula jam 8.30 malam. Dengan hanya menutup semua lampu selama 60 minit , kita telah membawa harapan baru terhadap masa depan Bumi. Apa matlamat untuk tahun ini ?? - Tahun ini , diharapkan sebanyak 1 billion umat manusia yang bertaburan di lebih 1000 buah kotaraya . Akan bersama-sama berganding bahu dalam projek global ini. Ini akan menjadi pemangkin yang kita boleh sama-sama mengambil tindakan bersama , dalam menangani isu pemanasan suhu dunia yang berlaku sekarang ini.

Siapa lagi yang saya nak ajak ?? - SEMUA !!! - Tindakan ini menuntut kerjasama semua pihak. Dari orang perseorangan , Industri Perniagaan dan komuniti setempat. Kita boleh bersama-sama keluarga , teman rakan dan ahli komuniti tempat kita tinggal untuk merayakan 1 jam tanpa cahaya ini. Begitu juga dengan Pihak berwajib , dan dari situ baru kita akan dapat melihat setiap bangunan. Yang melatari kaki langit setiap ibu kota dunia , bermula dari asia , eropah , africa dan amerika akan bergelap untuk menyahut seruan kempen ini.

Jadi apa saya nak buat sekarang ?? - Mari , kita war-warkan kempen ini kepada semua. Bersama-sama, kita akan membuat satu perubahan yang amat besar. Kepada alam yang menjadi tempat tinggal kita selama ini .Sehingga kini sudah hampir 538 kota di 75 negara , sudah menyertai Earth Hour 2009. Jumlah ini semakin meningkat dari hari ke hari , menunjukan bahawa semua pihak sudah mula memberi sokongan. Lihat , mudah bukan..kita cuma perlu percaya. Dengan hanya berkerjasama diantara satu induvidu kepada induvidu yang lain , kita akan melihat SATU KUASA besar yang akan membawa perubahan.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thursday, March 26, 2009 0 Comments

Rase boring yang xboley blah..!! skang aku kat nk wat pe..i wish im at home now n boley tido2..tmbah dgn hujan plak skg...
korang klu waktu2 mcm ni ape korg rase mende plg best yg bole dibuat selain tido r..? kje?!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lonely Soul

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 0 Comments

Officially my first blog..actually aku create blog ni coz aku nk berexperimen dgn google ad sense..Rss feed. coz aku curious bila aku buka blog org lain ade mende tu..n also everybody around me having their own blog, i keep reading n reading their blogs without realizing tht i dn even hv one!! I don want to b tht outdated last but not least I create this blog represent me life n my thoughts bout anything..
Dear blogger fren hopefully i can b part of u..teach me if im wrong.. or juz leave me comment how to make the blog look more powerful and readable..ok, auf Widdersehen!!